Julie Blinco-Smith
Senior Minister

Julie leads a community-engaged church, which fosters the idea of equipping and releasing all people for the life and works Jesus has for them.  Her previous employment in Foreign Aid & Development, studies in cross-cultural ministry and teaching/training has formed her approach in serving others and building them up. In her early 20s, someone took the time and care to explain the good news of Jesus Christ in a way she understood, she has been passionate to now do the same for others, in various sub-cultures across Australia.
Julie and her husband Andrew enjoy their family, their playful puppy and creative projects. 

Elkan Christian
Associate Minister

Elkan is a committed and enthusiastic person who has dedicated his life to full-time ministry. After his theological studies, he served as a pastor in India for two years. His specialization is in the Old Testament. Elkan is currently pursuing his PhD in the Old Testament from Melbourne School of Theology. He is dedicated to the edification of the church and the community. He is always keen to learn new things.

Kamwende Gatende
Associate Minister

Kamwende sometimes describes herself as 'an accidental pastor' as she never expected to find herself ministering in the North-Eastern suburbs of Melbourne- but she loves it! Having been born and raised in Kenya, and now married to her Mexican husband, she is passionate about global mission. She delights in helping people to grapple with Scripture, connect with Christian fellowship and understand how to love Jesus in every aspect of our lives.

Jake Wilkins
Youth & Young Adults Minister

Currently studying at Ridley College, Jake's a man of faith who has an admirable capacity to raise up teams and equip people for the work ahead of them.  Jake is a gifted pianist, an insightful and sharp preacher and a genuinely lovely guy!  

Gail Pinchbeck
Associate Minister

Gail is a very experienced minister and former ArchDeacon.  Gail enjoys fishing, mentoring others and a good road trip.  Gail is a treasured member at All Saints' and we're so glad she returned from retirement to join the staff team!

Catherine Rae
Children's and Families Minister

Your children are in safe hands with Catherine and her team!  Catherine, a scientist by training, a mother of two, a follower of Jesus and a friend to many provides excellent age- appropriate care and teaching for the younger members of our church. 

Toni Freeman
Youth and Young Adults Pastoral Care & Discipleship

Toni is our Youth Engagement Officer. A counsellor by trade, Toni has worked as a high school Chaplain, providing mental health support to students and staff and welfare support to families. She and her husband Caleb have been a part of All Saints since 2019 and have two young daughters. In her spare time Toni enjoys… having spare time!

Joy Sandefur
Honourary Minister

Joy brings 18 years of experience ministering in cross-cultrual settings in remote and indigeneous Australia.  She played a pivotal role in the translation of the New Testament into Kriol and has been a valued team member at All Saints' for over a decade. 

Johanna Boutros
Office Administrator

Johanna has been running worship bands, playgroups, and other church activities for many years and is now loving the opportunity to organise church activities professionally.

Christine Kollaris
Christian Bookshop Manager

Christine is the manager of The Bookshop and it's team.  She is a wealth of experience in all things books, literature and publications.  Beyond that, she makes a great coffee and is the creative genius behind a number of creative community engagements, such as author dinners, Repair Cafes and such.  Christine is passionate to 'make reading great again' and increase the readership of Christian literature.